Pre-recorded Interviews - Guest Speakers Line Up

Here you find the distribution of guest speakers pre-recorded interviews over the summit's stages from Stage 2 to Stage 4. Every Monday the videos are published in the respective stage in the website.

Stage 1 - Grounding

Opening Ceremony: Allie Middleton, Erin Dixon, Bayo Akomolafe, Keshav Mohta, Claire Milnes, Eye Colour Dreams and all participants and hosting team

Launching videos:

  • Hosting Team presenting the week

  • Welcome to the summit from guest speakers

Stage 2 - Falling Apart

Adebayo Akomolafe and Charles Eisenstein

Alnoor Ladha

Ana Rhodes

Anahí Araneda, Shunro Yoshida, Deborah Heifetz and Don Hall

Guy Burgess

Joe Brewer

Marta Benavides

Sophy Banks

Stage 3 - Nurturing the Soil

Aerin Dunford, Nuno da Silva, Toni Spencer and Yeyo Beltrán

Bob Stilger

Claire Milne

Daniel Christian Wahl

Elisabet Sahtouris

Gabriel Meyer

Guy Burgess

Gustavo Esteva

Scott Brown

Iokiñe Rodriguez

Joel Glanzberg

Jon Young

Manish Jain

Polly Hyslop

Sophy Banks


Tarek Maassarani

Tom Henfrey

Uri Noy Meir

Vanessa Andreotti

Stage 4 - Seeding the Future

Alison Fornés

Allan Kaplan and Sue Davidoff

Ana Rhodes

Anayza Steward

Anne-Chloé Destremau and Clinton Callahan

Dare Sohei and Tada Hozumi

Don Hall

Lydia Harutoonian

Jon Young and Deborah Benham

Madelanne Rust d'Eye

Manish Srivastava

Mary Alice Arthur

Paul Atkins

Ria Baeck

Rosa Zubizarreta

Shilpa Jain

Sophy Banks

Stephanie Mines

Ted J Rau

Last updated